New Media Arts Part 2

Sherry Turkle
The Inner Life of Devices


David Rokeby

Dan Sandin, et al


The Electromagnetic Landscape

2. Radio and the impact of acoustic images
3. Moholy-Nagy: from the Telephone Pictures to the Light-Space Modulator
4. The New Printing Techniques and the Birth of Visual Poetry
5. Kinetic Art: towards the automonous object
6. Rube Goldberg device

Electronics, Photonics, Telematics
8. Robotic Art: integrating electronics and the human body
9. Communication theory (the medium is the message)
10. Art and Telecommunications: links and networks (interwebs)
11. Computer art: from digital graphics to interactivity (information architecture) [Englebart, Kay videos]
12. Electronic photography: the virtual object (Photoshop, vector graphics)
13. Holographic art: images of light in time and space (3D graphics)
14. Space art telepresence and virtual reality (second life)

Camille Utterback
Electronic Cafe ‘84: Galloway and Rabinowitz
Double Happiness jeans Stephanie Rothenberg, Jeff Crouse
Ayah Bdeir
Christy Matson
Atmospherics/WeatherWorks Andrea Polli