Sunday, February 27, 2011


A Child's History of Fluxus by Dick Higgins was a very easy read. It was like I was reading a childrens book (kind of waiting for some colorful pictures. :D ) I liked how Higgins described something so simple as, “The sloshing of my foot in my wet boot sounds more beautiful than fancy organ music.” I never really stopped to think of that. Personally, I love the sound of rain when it hits the window. It’s like music but minus the instruments, just a simple everyday sound. I can then see what the fluxus people meant by not being “fancy”. Less is more, right?

I was glad about the ending. Despite Maciunas’s actions, when he was dyeing the flux people came to help him. The people could have not helped Maciunas and dwelled in the past but didn’t. Happily ever after! Well, overall it was a nice story but I wish I knew more information. Especially about the end of Maciunas’s life, for it seemed too vague.

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