Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exposing Ideas - Greatness

For the final paper of this class I was hanging on many different ideas. At first I thought about doing a paper on minimalism and the artists of that movement; but then decided against it. Mainly because we haven't talked about minimalism in the class to such an extent that I feel like it would be a great topic for this final paper. Then I remembered the video on Dadaism and some of the artists of that movement. Man Ray immediately sprung into my head. That was until I heard another kid say that he was looking into doing Man Ray. Not one to steal people's thunder, I decided to look for another topic. Then it hit me. Marcel Duchamp. He had been an artist I had always wanted to learn more about ever since discussing his works in an Art History class I had in community college. His painting "Nude Descending a Staircase" had caught my attention the moment I was introduced to a picture of it. Just the content of the piece astounded me along with the philosophy that came from it. From that picture, I had always pictured one of the meanings to be that there is representational in the non-representational. It is something that I continue to think about to this day; and all because of seeing Duchamp's famed work.

Then I was quickly introduced to his "Fountain" piece. This intrigued me even more. It seemed to me that Marcel went against everything that I was taught about art from that point back. His attitude towards the field amazed me. This is why I would like to do my paper on the artist Marcel Duchamp and explore more into his life and works.

As far as content to research, I would have to largely look at Duchamp's life. Books, articles, and journals could all point me in that direction. It shouldn't be too hard to find a book (or several) that discusses his back story. His back story may even provide insight into why he did what did in regards to artistic creations. In other words looking into his life may provide some of the influences that acted upon him and molded his artistic mind into what it was.

From there on, I'd have to study more into the Dadaist style. I know a little bit about it but not enough to fully supplement the paper. This would be a very necessary step in getting all of the facts that I would need to write about Duchamp. I would also have to study his style(s) of art before Dada. Doing all of this should easily allow me to discuss and piece of art that he created. The basic concepts and principles of art are lodged in my brain and are easy to call up and discuss when talking about a piece; but I want more then that. Sure, I'd talk about line and rhythm in Duchamp's pieces; but I would also talk about inspiration and other more complex ideals. All of which would be easier to discuss with a thorough knowledge of the Dadaist style.

After that, perhaps I could look at the artists that he has influenced himself. Upon finding artists that he had influenced, comparing works between Duchamp and those artist could provide interesting insight and study.


  1. You will find ample material on Duchamp, the father of conceptual art. You might recall that we connected "Nude Descending a Staircase" with the motion studies of Jules-Etienne Marey. The zeitgeist of this fertile period in European art was fueled my the bifurcated visions of the role of technology for good (telephones, electricity) and bad (warfare, over-industrialization, etc). The lasting effects of Dada continue with Fluxus which is often called described as neo-Dada.

  2. Thanks teach for your input. I'll definitely look into it for information for my final paper.
