Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reading Response : Ancient Images and New Technologies: The Semiotics of the Web

Philippe Codognet makes some excellent points in his article Ancient Images and New Technologies: The Semiotics of the Web. The Art of Memory he writes about seems to be quite interesting. He says that it is the ability to memorize anything at will by remembering an image as a room with objects representing different elements of the image.
Codognet writes about how images speak more directly than words. After working a few retail jobs I can definitely understand the impact of images. People often try to explain what they're looking for by making a gesture with their hands to show what the object looks like.
Codognet also describes the history of diagrams. Diagrams have been around for such a long time that they don't seem to be very special. They're just helpful devices that we use for understanding certain things. In the 1600s I'm sure it was a very new and fantastic idea to use letters or numbers to references certain parts of images. This type of pictorial diagram then led to reference numbers or letters in books to let the reader learn more about a certain keyword.
Codoget also mentioned the Memex idea from Vannevar Bush, which we learned about in our last reading. Bush's Memex idea consisted of a machine that would use hyperlinks to find related files in the machine. Codoget goes into the history of computers and what they are now with Internet. Images are very important on the Internet. They help us navigate and understand the websites that we use.

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