Wednesday, April 20, 2011

in class brainstorming for final paper (read at your own risk)

So... I plan on doing my final paper on the effects of cinema on modern video games, specifically how certain genres like RPG games can end up being more like interactive movies than actual games. To this end I plan on exploring the differences between the two mediums, specifically interactive vs. non-interactive narrative. I'll have to define and explore the concept of interactivity a bit to do that. I'll have to go into the history of video games a little bit to show how narrative has become increasingly more present if not important in video games. I will have to explore and define the specific cinematic devices used in games, so a little technical film exploration might be useful to establish a frame of refrence for anyone who might read the paper and not know a damn thing about the subject...Maybe I'll have to dig up some alternative technologies that attempt to do the same thing with narrative that video games does so there is a broader base for comparison... like choose your own adventures or something... and then explore the relationships to technologies that use cinematics (or at least cinematic devices) like, I dunno... fiction writing... I will definitely have to talk about some games that use cinematics well and contrast them against games that use it poorly. I think the overall point I am going for is that while cinematics has a profound effect on storytelling, it is sort of contrary to the notion of interactivity, and that maybe changes the nature of video games a little... so that games that rely on it too much cease to be games and become more of a next generation movie...

1 comment:

  1. I think you will have a lot of success in finding authors who agree with you. Stick with your formulated opinion "while cinematics has a profound effect on storytelling, it is sort of contrary to the notion of interactivity". Define your terms and find examples and other writings that support your assertions.
