Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Antin brought up a lot of interesting points on this article. He compared what film is to commercial television. According to him film is "boring" because it cannot live up to the what television is. Sure, television is more popular and many people prefer to watch it, but film is the more complete artwork and more elements of creativity and from are present in film. In commercial television, it is all production and more emphasis is put on the technical aspect of video, than the art aspect of it. When it comes to TV, there is this theory of transmission and reception. With transmission, the corporate companies edit, produce, and compose many types of genres of videos. What they produce is then communicated and it is received by us, the viewers. Film is very natural, very free flowing, and very simple. It doesn't cost much to create a very simple film. To create a television production, like a TV show costs thousands and thousands of dollars. First of all to edit together all the video shot takes time and it costs a lot of money. The equipment is very expensive and extensive. There are also a number of people working on certain aspects to edit it all together and produce it.

That's why artist stick to film. It costs less money, and takes less time and man power. They don't have to worry about things like color, software, and tv production elements. TV is a big business and it is very large scale. It is designed to make money first and then all of the elements after are just an after thought. Commercials dominate television and are an integral part of it. You may see 15 minutes of commercials in an hour program. It's what keeps TV running and it's also what takes away it away from being art. In film you just have what you are trying to portray and that's it. It may take you 10 minutes or 2 minutes, but the message is pure. You don't have that in TV, you have to have sponsors to pay for the production of the show because it just costs too much to produce. As long as TV exists, it will always be more popular than film, but it will never take away the integrity, honesty and purity that film will always continue to posses.

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