Wednesday, March 30, 2011

three fluxus scores

Knock Knock:

This performance score will take however many people there are in the room. They will first all lineup in a single file line in the front of the room. Next they will all walk to the door. As they come to the door, depending on what number they are in the line thats how many times they will knock. For example if you are the fourth person you will knock 4 times on the door.

Alphabet Noise:

This performance score will need at least 5 people people but the more the better. Each person will get a letter of the alphabet. Then on que each person will say there letter out load over and over for 20 seconds straight.


This performance score is best for a big group of people. Each person will be given a piece of paper. Then a stapler will be passed around the room, as the person gets the stapler they will be asked to staple their piece of paper to the papers from the people who already went. They can staple it however they want. The score is ended once everyone has stapled something to the stack of papers.

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