Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Three Fluxus Performance Scores

1. Emaning Names

The first part of this performance score is that the performer will take their own name and make as many words/letters as they can under 30 seconds all the while doing this orally and loudly. The second part is that the performer's name will be used again and pronounced backwards 10 times in a different voice tone each time by the performer. This score can involve as many other volunteer performers as possible.

2. Paper Angels

A volunteer or more is needed to accomplish this score. The performer takes a load of any kind of paper they can find and dump it on the floor or some place someone can lay on. The volunteer lays down on the load of paper and spreads their limbs out keeping that position locked in. Now the performer who dumped the paper can start slowly taking away paper from the pile the volunteer is laying on. The idea is to take away paper until it becomes the shape of the volunteer still laying on the paper. If the performer has made the shape they wanted, the volunteer can finally get up to show off their own angel made out of sheets of paper.

3. Animal Antics

This performance score can invite an entire crowd of volunteers to do. Based on the first letter of the performer's first name, the performer will become the animal with the same first letter of the kind. For example, if the performer(s) name begins with M, they can choose to be a monkey and act as one. The performer(s) will fully behave and act like their chosen animal counter part for a full minute. Afterward, they will switch to the first letter of their last name and become the animal with the same first letter they choose the same way for another full minute.

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