Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fluxus Performance Scores

Half a Stick of Gum

The performer takes a stick of gum out of his pocket. He rips it in half, then unwraps one half and puts it in his mouth and chews it. He then places the other half in another pocket. This process continues until the performer runs out of whole sticks of gum.

Your Shoe's Untied

The performer unties one of his shoes, then proceeds to remove the lace from the shoe. He studies the shoelace to make sure it is structurally intact and then re-laces his shoe, ties it, and sits back down in his seat.

Who Wants Only Half a Stick of Gum?
This performance can only be done after already doing the Half a Stick of Gum performance.

The performer takes out the half-sticks of gum in his pocket and offers them to audience members. He pretends not to hear anyone that accepts the offer and finally unwraps the gum, puts it in his mouth and chews it loudly and obnoxiously for a few seconds. He then ferociously spits the gum into a trashcan.

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