Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Montage Project

I call this piece Flow-finite. I tried to focus more on the color and sound aspect of the piece with motion tied in. The way that I had planned to shoot this ended up changing because I could not use motion in the same way that I wanted to. I used my turntable midi controller for this piece because it means a lot to me and the turntable is such an awesome instrument to play around with because it is motion inspired. I wanted to show that without motion the instrument is thus useless. I like this piece because it is a piece that requires an object and user to be fully implemented. I decided to cut out sound on certain clips and leave sound in on others. Any time the viewer sees the color blue go to red there is a corresponding sound that draws attention to the piece. I used the idea of soft calm, even complete silence to a harsh, louder sound because I think a piece is more memorable when the artist takes the viewer on a journey. I find that symbolic because that is a d.j.'s job in the first place. I am a huge fan of color so I had to figure out how I could show that to the viewer in my piece without adding anything else that would seem out of place. I liked this piece overall because it focuses on so many different things that it’s really hard for me as the artist to explain the thought process behind it. Many of the ideas that I originally came up with referenced each other then started to branch out into other categories, which made me happy because when I was editing the piece together I wanted to have the viewer look at my piece and think about what it ties into in their own minds. I enjoy creating work that sparks ideas in other people.

1 comment:

  1. Your video takes the familiar and makes it strange. Your images have a compelling unity that the editing sequence and camera work support.
