Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Montage Assignment

For my montage video I wanted to create something that had a bit of structure to it. I started off with the idea of the countdown, which is present in my montage as each scene lasts 10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds, all the way down to 1 second respectively with a rough total of fifty-five seconds all together. I also structured the movement portrayed in my images, they arranged in a certain balanced way. I originally started off with a depiction of leftward movement and ended with its opposite a rightward movement. In between these two opposites I added a series of pairs; first I included a pair of upward movements and a pair of upward-downward movements, in between these two pairs I added another pair of “stationary” circular movement, that is movement that wasn’t really “going” anywhere as opposed to the upward and upward-downward movements. As I was planning this arrangement the lack of pairs in at the beginning and end, seemed to unbalance the composition, so I decided to add one more pair to go with the leftward and rightward pair. I arranged this pair like the L+R pair, with each one of the pair on either side of the montage and I decided to make them “stationary” movement images similar to but not circular like the stationary movements in the middle of the montage.

In terms of content I decided that it would contrast with the structure of the timing and arrangement of the various movements. I decided to record a general of seemingly random forms of movement that I found around my home. All my images generally do not have much correlation with each other, even the pairs generally have very different types of content depicted although they share a correlation of the movement depicted. As I was editing my captured motions, I found that I accidently captured some footage of television static and its accompanying sound, I liked the way it looked and sounded but I couldn’t really find a way for it to fit it into my montage. In the end I decided to plop each one at each end of my montage, keeping with the structured yet random nature it had taken on.

1 comment:

  1. I like the second half of the video more than the first half, in terms of texture, color, and motion. The first long pan to the left seems abrupt and out of place after the countdown. Otherwise, good.
