Wednesday, March 16, 2011



This essay is an accompaniment to the footage I shot of surfaces and how they can be perceived by looking at them, walking on them, running on them, and possibly falling on them.

I shot several different surfaces to show their similarities and differences in texture, construction, meanings, and purpose. Out of all the different surfaces I shot they made me think that they can be identical for example the crack I found in one surface can also been seen on the other surfaces I shot if they received that kind of damage. All of the surfaces tell a story about a building, street, neighborhood, transportation etc. I bet if they could talk, they would talk about the when they became surfaces, and all the people and things that came in contact with them such as weather, or coffee being spilled.

I showed one surface in the smoothness of it as on an upscale building wall made of marble, another surface with grips as on a bus that makes you wonder how many people slipped walking on it. Another surface rough and smooth as I did with a rug, and the rest were in different ways of concrete surfaces that can be seen as person sees it running forward or backwards, falling in a spiral, different angles etc. all to show how the surface stays the same what we do with it changes.

I wish however that I was able to get shots of temporary surfaces such as snow, or rain and how it becomes the surface, and how the original surface depending strength of it stays the same after the rain dries up, and the snow melts. The surfaces all tell a story, and that story can be yours.

1 comment:

  1. This has some nice images. The soundtrack distracts a little, but otherwise solid footage. I like when a still image is abstracted in motion; they really look different.
