Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Score Pieces :

1) Cover the Rainbow :
The performer stands in front of the audience and starts to shout out random colors of the rainbow. The audience then joins in by shouting out random colors as well. This continues on for a bit of time until the performer suddenly stops.

2) Disappearing Act? :
The performer stands in front of the audience again. They count to ten very slowly and instruct the audience to count to ten just as slow with their eyes closed. The performer will then move to a random seat in the room, preferably away from the front of the audience. They will then open their eyes after they reach ten and notice that the performer is not standing in front of them any more.

3) Have a Pen?
The performer goes around the classroom several times asking every individual person if they have a pen or a pencil. If the person hands them a pen or a pencil, the performer shouts "NO! NOT THIS!" and continues asking until one person hands them a random object or a reasonable amount of time has passed. If someone hands the performer a random object they kindly say thank you to the person, if it ends with no random object then the performer simply sits in his seat.

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